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The ITSSD’s programs are designed to educate the public about how to promote a positive paradigm of sustainable development, while identifying how the negative Malthusian paradigm of sustainable development articulated by the Bruntland Commission and its more extreme postmodern, anti-Enlightenment variant will undermine societal and individual progress.

ITSSD representatives participate as panelists at domestic and international governmental, intergovernmental, university, industry and nongovernmental panels, round tables and conferences discussing international, regional and national law and policy issues. These relate broadly to international treaty, customary international and comparative law, and more specifically to cross-border trade, intellectual property, investment, anti competition, environment, health & safety (“EHS”), and constitutional law and policy matters. ITSSD representatives also organize, convene and/or moderate panels that address complex matters of current interest, prepare detailed technical submissions for review by foreign governments and intergovernmental organizations, and file amicus curiae legal briefs in important cases.

Governmental: U.S. National Defense University Center for Technology and National Security; Embassy of the Republic of Kenya; Standards Directorate, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Intergovernmental: World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization.

Universities: Temple University Beasely School of Law; University of Miami School of Law; Catholic University of America, School of Engineering’s Center for Global Standards Analysis; Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government; Georgetown University Medical Center; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School; Seton Hall University School of Diplomacy and International Relations; M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation; Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russian Federation.

Industry: National Federation of Independent Business, Small Business Coalition for Regulatory Relief; National Wood Pallet & Container Association; Moscow Entrepreneurs Association; Mid-Atlantic Russia Business Council; ITEC; BIOKorea, among others.

Nongovernmental: American National Standards Institute; Reserved Officers Association; Global Business Dialogue; Good Neighbor Law; Property Rights Foundation of America; Knowledge Ecology Institute, EurasiaBIO International; Congress for Biotechnology of the Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Russian Society of Biotechnologists; Instituto de Estudos Empresariais Forum da Liberdade, among others.

​In pursuing its charitable mission of promoting a positive paradigm of sustainable development ITSSD programs seek to advance four main themes:

Theme #1: Science-Based & Economically Cost-Efficient Regulation

  • ​2008-2010
  • ​2003-2007

Theme #2: Strong Intellectual Property Right Protections

  • 2014
  • 2010-2013
  • 2008-2009
  • 2005-2007

​​​Theme #3: International Regulatory Due Diligence

  • 2014
  • ​2006-2008

Theme #4: International Regulatory Transparency

  • 2014
  • 2006-2013